Correcting packing helps to keep your furniture protected and safe. If you entrust us to help you move overseas, we can handle most of the important packing and handling ourselves using our industry best practices and vast experience helping families and individuals move their items abroad. 
However, if you’re moving things yourself or you’re working with another removals company and must handle some of the packing up, we’ve outlined some essential tips you can use. 
Why Is Packing Important? 
None of your furniture should be exposed or loosely packed when moving it abroad. While your goods are being transported, they will face a significant amount of movement, shaking, bumping and squeezing. 
As such, you must make sure that your precious objects can withstand what is in store for them. And one of the only ways to do this is to use the right packaging methods and materials. 
Use Space Intelligently 
If you’re bringing any cabinets or chests of drawers that have space inside them, consider filling them with smaller items to protect them. 
However, also note that some pieces of furniture will need to be disassembled properly before transit so make sure any loose items don’t fall out of place. The best thing to do is shrink wrap any loose items and bundle similar items together. 
Pack Delicate Items First 
When it comes to packing your delicate items, give it some extra care and attention. Remove any glass parts and look for ways to double up on shock absorption. Some corrugated cardboard and bubble wrap can be useful here. 
When looking for removal companies to Portugal, you’ll want to make sure they have a good reputation for protecting your most delicate and precious items. 
Don’t Make Boxes too Heavy 
Boes shouldn’t be really more than 30KG. This is roughly the weight you will be allowed for travelling on an aeroplane with a suitcase. This is because items must be moved and handled by various people and machines during transit. Also, heavier boxes are more at risk of collapsing at the bottom. 
Protect Corners 
The corners of your furniture will be most at risk of damage during the move day. Consider wrapping them up or adding furniture corner protectors 
Label Everything 
Make a note of everything that’s being moved in some sort of master plan document and also label each individual box with clear readable letters. Also, do this on the side of the box rather than the top or bottom, as it will be easier to identify when it's stacked up with other boxes. 
Start Packing Early 
Moving will usually take longer than you think, so it’s good to get started early. If you’ve never done it before, we recommend starting your planning process a couple of months before the move date. 
Ask Us for Help 
If you’re looking for removal companies to Portugal, Spain, France or other countries, let us know. We’ll tell you exactly what you should or shouldn't be doing when it comes to packing. 
Often, we’ll come in and actually do the packaging ourselves based on our in-house methods so that everything complies with shipping requirements, however, there may be a few things that you can do to make sure the process goes as smoothly as possible. 
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