How Do You Find An International Removals Company You Can Trust?
Posted on 12th August 2019 at 06:41
When you are moving internationally, whether it’s to one of our next door neighbours such as France, Germany, Spain, or Portugal, or whether it is much further afield – the Caribbean, the US, Australia, New Zealand, India, Mexico, or anywhere else – above all you need an international removals company that you can trust.
When you are moving internationally, whether it’s to one of our next-door neighbors such as France, Germany, Spain, or Portugal, or whether it is much further afield – the Caribbean, the US, Australia, New Zealand, India, Mexico, or anywhere else – above all you need an international removals company that you can trust.
The problem you have with this is: how do you find one? You have probably never moved abroad before, and even if you have, unless you are one of the jet-set, you won’t have done it very often. Even people such as our overseas ambassadors don’t move very often. They get posted to a country abroad and then stay there for years.
Certainly, there are quite many international shipping companies that are based in the UK and quite obviously all will claim to be the best. We know some of them - quite a lot of them actually – and there most certainly are some that are very good and whom we would trust with our belongings.
There are also some that we wouldn’t touch with the proverbial barge pole.
But here you are, looking for international movers and packers, and you DON’T know how to sort the wheat from the chaff because you are (a) not in the business and (b) haven’t moved abroad before. We certainly understand that it is a bit of a dilemma.
First and foremost, we would suggest that you need a company that has several years of experience in moving people abroad. It is one thing sending a van to move you ten miles up the road, and quite another moving the same goods to the other side of the world. You do need a company that has a minimum of ten years’ experience, and preferably a lot more.
We would also suggest that you need a company that is a member of the British Association of Removers and whose staff have been trained by them in the art – and it most certainly is an art – of packing goods securely for transport overseas.
The good news is that at Movers International we qualify on those grounds. We are members of the British Association of Removers, and our staff has been properly trained by them. We have also been moving people abroad – not just to the continent, but around the globe – for over 30 years. So our team has the talent and the experience that you need.
Oh yes. We are also very nice people. We understand the trauma of moving abroad and we go the extra mile to make it a breeze!
Tagged as: international movers and packers, international removals company, international shipping company
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