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If you have decided that you want a new life, and that the way to get it is to move abroad, you are not alone. Every year, many Britons opt for a new life in the sun in countries such as Spain and Portugal, although the top countries for moving overseas are Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and France. Of course, in three of those they speak English, so that means that you don’t need to learn a new language. 
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You might also decide that you want to move overseas but you haven’t made up your mind where. In this case, you need to take several things into consideration. Why do you want to move abroad? Is it for a better climate, lower cost of living, specific job opportunities? You need to spend some time researching the countries that most seem to fit with your wishes and compare the pros and cons. 
Ideally, you should then visit the two or three countries that you have shortlisted and spend some time in them getting to know the local culture, customs, and so on. This all takes time and money, but if you are going to move abroad you want to be certain that you are going to the right place. It is also the way that most expats decide on the country of their choice. You don’t want to spend all the time and money involved in moving and then find that you don’ t really like the place after all! 
Consider The Laws 
You need to consider the legal requirements of your chosen country. Can foreigners live and work there? The laws vary quite considerably from one country to another, and some have certain entry requirements, such as Canada, that has a system that will evaluate your skills and education level and award points accordingly. You need to have sufficient points in order even to be considered. 
If you are moving to a country that speaks a different language, then you need to learn that language so that you can talk to people, understand road signs, and so on. Most countries drive on the right, so you may not want to take your car with you but buy a left-hand drive one on arrival. 
Make Certain You Have Enough Money 
You most certainly need to have enough money saved not only to cover the cost of moving but to cover your living expenses for the first few months. Even if you have already got a job, you won’t get a pay cheque until the end of the month, and in any case, there are always things that you haven’t allowed for. One of the major rules of moving abroad is to allow for unexpected expenses. If you haven’t got a job, or a retirement income, then you have no idea how long it will take to get a job and what the level of pay will be anyway. 
International removals can be quite expensive, so you need to consider all the possible costs which are involved and make certain that your budget allows for them, with a good deal to spare, so that you can move without having to worry. 
You also need to get insurance for your goods and belongings when you move abroad. There are some quite complex rules about the sort of cover that international removals companies are required to provide, but in short, the cover in most instances will be nowhere near enough to replace lost or damaged goods. It is true that most goods arrive at their final destination unharmed, but you cannot afford to take any risks. 
You should also allow for the fact that the less you take the less your move will cost you. So, you need to go through your home and make certain that you only take items that you will definitely need or cannot live without. Everything else has to go – to friends, the charity shop, via a garage sale, or to the tip! 
You also need to consider packing. Some people try to save money by packing their items themselves, but this is not the greatest of ideas. International moving companies such as ourselves at Movers International have expert packers who know how to pack your belongings so that they don’t move about in transit and get damaged. 
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