Spain is one of the most popular destinations for people from the UK who are retiring. This is because the country is possibly the most popular that Britons use for their holidays, many people going back there year after year. So, it is not surprising that, when it comes to retirement, they choose to make Spain their final home where the sun shines for most of the year – in the South, anyway - and the way of life is easy going. Not only that, but the cost of living is lower than in the UK too. 
If you are buying a property in Spain, it is essential to use the services of a solicitor who has an excellent command of Spanish and understands the law there because it is very different from ours. For instance, when you buy a property in Spain you must create a will to cover the disposal of Spanish assets upon your death. If there are any debts associated with the property from the previous owner, then you become liable for those as well, so you need a solicitor who understands how to deal with all this. 
We Are The Experts 
When it comes to actually moving furniture to Spain, at Movers International we are the experts. We have been moving people from the UK to Spain for years and we know everything there is to know. We have our own depots in Malaga and Alicante, and our Malaga team will also do removals to Gibraltar. 
In the northern Costa Blanca, there are many towns and villages where access is difficult, if not impossible, for a large lorry. However, when you are moving furniture to Spain in these areas it is not a problem because we also have smaller Sprinter and Luton vans, so we can transfer your belongings to these in order to gain access. 
Then there are other issues, such as moving to Valencia where parking permits have to be arranged, especially for large lorries. In addition, if you are moving to an apartment higher than the second floor, we need to arrange for ladder lifts, and we have to give notice for these as well. It is not a problem, as we know about all these requirements, but we just need some extra time to deal with them. 
We also have regular weekly runs to Spain, so if you only need to move a few items they can go on one of these. Wherever you are moving to in Spain, Movers International will get you there. 
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