DIY Moving Checklist - Things We Always Forget
Posted on 4th November 2020 at 09:15
Despite diligent planning, there are some things that always manage to slip through the net when moving. And failing to pack an essential item can be incredibly frustrating.
To help you during the chaos of packing, we recommend paying particular attention to certain items you are more likely to forget. Whether you create a separate list or highlight specific items on your main one is up to you.
Just remember that having your most important items with you, or making sure they are easily accessible, can save you hours (and sometimes days) when you finally arrive and must find what you’re looking for.
Below are 5 common things people tend to forget when packing and moving abroad using international removals.
1. Important Documents
As most important documents are rarely used, and as you’ll probably have digital copies of many of them, they can often be forgotten about and left in some random binder or folder in your filing cabinet.
However, when you arrive in a new place, there’s a high chance you’ll need these documents for various visa or job-related activities.
• Birth certificates
• Marriage certificates
• Driving licenses
• Diplomas/degree certificates
• Professional qualifications
• Employment documents (work contracts, evaluation reports)
• Property documents
• Bank statements
• Tax receipts
• Vehicle registration
• Insurance policies
We recommend keeping these documents in a safe folder with you at all times. You don’t want to forget them in your home country or risk losing them during the international removals process.
2. Medication
We often leave medicine behind because it's kept in the bathroom cabinet, or scattered throughout the home. If you urgently need to take some kind of medicine (pain medication, antibiotics etc.) in your new home, you’ll want to know exactly where it is rather than have to search local pharmacies as soon as you arrive.
3. Small Valuable Items
Trinkets from your travels abroad, personal mementoes, old cards and letters from loved ones. These are just some examples of small valuable items that won’t necessarily fit into any packing category.
These items, while safety kept in your home for years, can sometimes be scattered to the winds during a large move. Don’t forget to keep your most precious items in a separate box that you can find easily in the future.
4. Storage Items
Things people always forget to pack when they move during international removals include items that have been placed in various storage spaces around the home, such as the attic, garage, or garden shed.
5. Paintings and Wall Prints
For some reason, many families forget to account for the decorative artwork on their walls, whether that’s prints, paintings, or just family photos. These can sometimes blend into the background.
If you want any more advice on how to plan for your international removals, or would like to talk about an upcoming move, get in touch with us at Movers International!internation
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